General > Announcements

Forum Donations 2021

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As you know we have moved to a more reasonably priced server.

I have setup this PayPal pool. Don't go crazy  :rolleye:  I think the hosting will cost 20 to 25 a month but maybe less.

I would also like to add an anti spam subscription which will cost 8 a year. DONE


Thanks for your work Dazza and I have chipped in.


--- Quote from: colesey on February 12, 2021, 07:25:54 pm ---Thanks for your work Dazza and I have chipped in.

--- End quote ---

 :notworthy: Thank you :notworthy:

small contribution given.
This site has been brilliant for me from a Mk5 Ed30 to a Mk6 ED35
Happy to support


--- Quote from: john_o on February 13, 2021, 03:09:31 pm ---small contribution given.
This site has been brilliant for me from a Mk5 Ed30 to a Mk6 ED35
Happy to support

--- End quote ---
:congrats: Thanks John  :congrats:


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