So ANYWAY, we're now at present day! Not much has happened with my edition 30 however I do intend to get her back on the road before the end of June. She doesn't actually need anything mechanically but it takes a lot for me to action even the smallest of things when it comes to this car...
A family members mk5 golf failed its MOT and she reached out to me keen to sell it own. She had owned this car since 2009 and I'd expressed interest in it back in 2015 as I of course have an obsession with grey mk5 golfs. So, I bought it.
The new toy is a 2005 DSG mk5 golf GTi in steel grey of course... 75k miles and full service history from a VW specialist garage. She came to me as an MOT fail needing an exhaust rear section (silencer has separated at the side), two rear calipers and a brake light bulb for the sum of £650. This also included a 7/8 full tank of fuel and a genuine VW dog guard. She's got factory fitted sensors, a smokers pack and leathers so the options box isn't heavily ticked. She also came to me with the RUSTIEST exterior bodywork I've actually ever seen on a mk5, however sills are fine and it appears to only affect replaceable panels

It looks like it hasn't been washed in about 5 years too and that's no exaggeration!
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
So we gave her a well-needed bath before having a thorough look round. Didn't want to miss anything under the grime.
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
Checked it on vagcom and the only codes that came up were to do with the exhaust leak so nothing sinister found there!
So, Adam and I got to work. We ordered a seal kit for the calipers hoping we could get away with a £12 repair on these. We had luck on our side and it did work! Both calipers now working. Brake lines also replaced as one snapped when removing the caliper, of course. up - cam follower. We've got a PCV on order too as it broke during fitment of this but waiting for it to arrive
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morgenn, on Flickr
Picked up an RCD510 as we wanted something a bit prettier but still OEM and got this fitted today. Leaving the dash taken apart for now as we also have a cherry red hazard switch on order and need to sort out bluetooth connectivity.
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
The front grill was doing my box in, I've never seen one quite so faded by the sun before so I went at it with a heat gun for a bit. It's not the best result but it's ten times better than before, especially the honeycomb top grill
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
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morgenn, on Flickr
Today she also had an oil & filter change as well as fuel filter, plugs and a pollen filter. We had an air filter ordered too but they've sent the wrong one sooooo that's not getting done.
Next up - drivers front window regulator needing done, the exhaust getting sorted and sort out the bulbs