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Depo headlights + led lights ERROR?


Hello like the title says i want to buy some depo projector headlights next month and i wanna be prepared. I was looking at the cheap ebay adapter for led + some Osram/Philips led lights. My question is, can i just code them to not show any light error on the dash or do i have to buy a canbus decoder?

Thank you.

If your car is halogen:

I'd recommend going with Bevinsee V45 led's as those don't give any errors and are plug and play. I've had them for around 2 years now without any issues.

If your car is xenon:

Probably also V45's with the corresponding adapter or look on their website if they have a xenon to led conversion kit.

Here's my car with Depo projector headlights and V45's:

I cant find the 45 but i did find the v55. Do you think they are the same or maybe just a better version of the 45's?
Thank you.

I've seen a comparison on YT which said the 55's were net inferior to the 45's, regardless of what Bevinsee claims. Less light and more power consumption. Tho it's possible they updated the design since then. You should search for some comps on youtube.

Okay thank you very much, was about to buy OSRAM night breaker led but saw a yt video and bevinse is about 50% more bright and definitely cheaper.


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