Well after a few evenings spread over the last couple if weeks I finally managed to get the stripped bolts out and the oil pan off.
What greeted me was not pleasant.

So, based on that I'm fairly certain at this point I'm going to need a rebuild or swap. Or both because the weather is changing here, the Mrs has been patient but that's coming to an end, and we will need the car back up and running.
So in an attempt to make lemonade out of this situation I've narrowed my choices down to:
A: buy the cheapest possible replacement motor, drop it in and hope it works while I rebuild this one for higher power and better longevity on track.
B: spend more money on a CDL motor and drop it in, sell this motor if possible, and hope that the new motor is in good condition, and try to build it up over time.
Advantage of CDL motor is obvious, disadvantage is gambling on an unknown motor long term..