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How does a thicko take a screen shot.

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Some other forums have the ability to upload images directly to a post, but these ones require you to upload somewhere else, then link to the image using the img button.

Photobucket is ok, but is my favourite by far.

i had almost anticipated you taking a picture of your monitor!!  :grin: :P

If you only wish to capture a specific window then make it active and press cntrl + ALT + Print Screen.


--- Quote from: Hedge on April 29, 2010, 02:20:58 pm ---If you only wish to capture a specific window then make it active and press cntrl + ALT + Print Screen.

--- End quote ---

Actually just Alt+PrintScreen will capture the present open window...   :smiley:

Yeah depends which email client you use TC. For example, Outlook which uses MS Word as its default email editor can embed images like that whereas some others won't  :happy2:

You've got the right key combination though  :smiley:


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