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'Italian' Air Horns....

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--- Quote from: stealthwolf on October 05, 2012, 07:49:14 pm ---
Mobile phone?
Hang a microphone (connected to computer) out the window?

I am not after full blu-ray quality 100% audio fidelity. Just an idea of what it sounds like.

--- End quote ---

....My basic Nokia mobile phone records very well but there is no way I can upload any of the recorded sounds onto a Mac  :sad1: - I've got some great Blackbird song recordings on it and can't use them.

Longest mic cable I've got isn't long enough to reach from my desktop Mac (no laptop).

But I'm gonna check if my FinePix F500EXR can record sound with 'vid' - I have never used a video feature on it before.

Otherwise, if you make it to JKM on 27th........... I'll let you blow toot my horn!


Im certain that model will record great video with sound Robin, chop chop!  :evilgrin:



Movie recording
1920 x 1080 pixels / 1280 x 720 pixels / 640 x 480 pixels (30 frames / sec.) with stereo sound * Zoom function can be used.

Red are you gonna go for the Confederate Flag on the roof too?

Just imagining Daisie Duke now actually...

Great right up. You seem to be very good at this type of thing.

When I got on the slippery slope of modifying my Impreza, one of the things I wanted to change/improve was the horn. Anyone who has heard the horn on a classic Impreza will know they sound like 'Noddy's' horn - red and yellow car....  Picture this my dad and I, both in Impreza's, his a 03 WRX and my classic when to a pub meet with some friends who had Impreza's. All sitting in the pub garden on a summers evening.  My dad and I left early and both gave a friendly toot as we left the car park. My dad when first and then me.  My dad got a cheer and all I got was laughs.   So I set out improving the horn.  A bit of research later on NASIOC forum and the modders choice was Hella dual supertone horns mounted in the grill so they are visible.  Suffice to say I never got laughed at again with the sound of my horn.  These Hella where only a few db louder, but being dual tone, you got attention.  

"Hella Supertones are the horns to have for getting the attention of other vehicles on the road. Hella uses a combination of low tone (300Hz) and high tone (500hZ) disk-type horns to project a powerful 118dB sound that is designed for highway use".

A typical example of an Impreza's horn vs Dual supertones

One of the best mods as I wired and fitted it myself, not to mention sounded better.  


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