General > Random Chat

Sig pics sizes. and now forum names.

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I can't even get mine to hyperlink the picture to my Build Thread so count me out. :-( mines is a humble Photobucket effort. :smile:


--- Quote from: dodds-gttdi on November 07, 2012, 05:13:46 pm ---I can't even get mine to hyperlink the picture to my Build Thread so count me out. :-( mines is a humble Photobucket effort. :smile:

--- End quote ---

<a hr***ef=",56189.15.html"><i***mg src="" /><***/a>

Delete all *** and edit the link URL

I trued something very close to that apce but it didn't work. Thanks tho,Rich. Will try it when I'm next on a laptop, not Tapatalk. :happy2:

Didn't realise I personally had such a big one until I asked the secretary at work to measure its length!  :evilgrin:

All back within limits now.  :happy2:



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