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MK5 GolfGTI v Seat RR shootout @ 'TSR' Performance

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--- Quote from: Msportman on September 09, 2009, 11:57:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on September 09, 2009, 08:58:16 pm ---Good luck with getting numbers. Maha Rollers can be generous results if superchips rollers were anything to go by.

--- End quote ---

Think you will find it reads spot on comparing it to Awesome's....maybe slightly under!

Come on chaps can't be too far....may have to open this to UKMKIV or even Club GIT! :scared:

Awesome is quite a way for me too :sad1:

--- End quote ---

its around two hours from birmingham so not that far at all  :wink: be sure to keep me informed if it goes on another site...

im up for it

Subject to date I could be interested too  :happy2:

Me too possibly - about the closest I'm going to get - they're only about an hour or so from me  :happy2:


Subject to date if it's in October but not the first weekend, I'm interested too.


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