Sooo finally decided to do my next big mod

I decided to get in touch with Nige and ordered myself the Sports Catback Exhaust.

I had toyed with the idea of getting the WRC system, but I didn't want it sounding overly loud, I know for a fact it would have caused tension with the parents as well when I fire the car up in a morning when I leave for work. Settled with the sports catback after a lengthy discussion with Nige and looking at feedback from your good selves on the forum who already have this on the car.
Today I helped fit it at the garage I use a lot locally, also into modifying cars etc. so had sound knowledge of what needed to be done. All fitted in about an hour, fairly simple to fit, just needed to use a bit of grease on the pipes to help them slide on easier. This was fitting to the OEM DP as well, so just required cutting off at the right part on DP to allow fitment. Only thing that is bugging me, it looks like it's sitting too low at the back, which you will see in one of the photos. I'm not sure if it's meant to be like that or not, as couldn't see a way of getting it any higher. I guess the old box would have sat just as low?
The build quality is top notch, can't fault it I have to say. The welding is clean as well. Lovely touch with the stabiliser pole as well, even the garage complimented it being an innovative design that works very well.
The noise is just what I wanted as well, you will hear it a bit ticking over in the video below, I will do a video over the weekend just on the drive when I'm on the gas. I would do one whilst driving but I don't have a GoPro etc. to record with. Some photos below as well:
Out with the rotten old exhaust:

Shot of the Whiteline RARB that I forgot to take a photo of at the time of fitting:

Few shots of fitting and final fitment:

This one shows the additional pipe to connect 3" pipe to old 2" pipe. See where it connects to the old pipe far left of photo.