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Mk5 General Area / Re: Changing back to OE air box help
« Last post by Octoparrot on Today at 08:09:57 pm »
Yes it is, it's also used on Audi Seat and Skoda models so you don't need necessarily need to search for one from a golf.
Mk5 General Area / Re: Changing back to OE air box help
« Last post by GVK on Today at 08:05:04 pm »
Yeah the filter is part of the cover
Car Parts / mk5 golf boot handle and badge
« Last post by Andy on Today at 05:41:55 pm »
boot handle
Location: dl10 4pd
Postage: £10.00
Delivery or Collection

for sale in good working order vw mk5 boot and badge handle,came of my car as had the mk6 reverse camers fitted
Mk5 General Area / Re: Cambelt and Water Pump Cost to Renew
« Last post by jpbmk5 on Today at 12:16:04 pm »
Bumping again
Beyond my interval a good year now so kinda on borrowed time!
Any recommendations in London area?
Mk5 General Area / Changing back to OE air box help
« Last post by Brumbenmk5 on Today at 11:13:50 am »
Hi, I've recently bought a 58 plate golf GTi. I bought it without seeing the car and when I got the car found it had a ram air filter on it and the engine cover missing. I want to put it back to standard and wondered if anyone can help with the parts I need. Someone advised that the air box is built into the cover but I'm unsure if this is true. Thanks.
Mk5 General Area / Re: HELP! - Remote Central Locking Not Working
« Last post by edition30ldn on Yesterday at 03:07:56 am »
hi did you ever sort this issue out?? and if so what was the cause thanks
Ah I see, so you keep the original pipes and cut the ends and use jubilee clips?
This is the later PN number with the plastic end tanks and more efficient core, than the early solid end tanks.

It comes on the S3 8P, Mk6 R, and also the Sirocco R TSI which is where mine came from.

Use original hoses, but the cooler ends need the metal outer ring cut (carfully) and removed to create a simple hose connection.

Add a hose clamp and you are done.
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