Random Chat / Rns510 software update
« Last post by Andy on Today at 09:55:56 pm »Has anyone got the software update 6276 disc i can buy or borrow as my rns510 is just rebooting it self and hopefully it will sort it
U've all saved me more than 200 euros, but for the momment thats all i can do. (James Crook)
Even with my mk6 golf i still find myself here finding things that still apply !
I usually get Pagid disc and pads......the discs in particular for the quality and that they are painted, so do not rust like others.What pads have you been using with the new discs, how are you finding them compared to the Pagid for dust.
Recently though I have gone for EBC grooved and dimpled for the front and MTEC grooved and dimpled on the rear. These had the option to also have to painted from factory and have held up well.