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Author Topic: Mk7 R Build thread now up  (Read 262836 times)

Offline MC71

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Mk7 R Build thread now up
« on: December 13, 2013, 12:36:32 pm »
After a few years of ownership and the fact I've decided to keep her even if I do get another car, I thought she deserved her own thread.  :love:

Nothing overly interesting, just a few bits of OEM+ here and there, oh and I keep getting asked "where's your build thread?"

Well here it is.........

Mk5 Golf GTI Edition30 - 2008 Manual No.1884

Mods/Retrofitted bits and bob......

**UPDATED 20/02/2015**

R-Tech Custom Progressive Stage 2+ TIV  map

361bhp  &  376ft lb

Engine+bay/Power things....

BCS Sport Powervalve TBE with 200 Cell Cat (Post 1)
BCS .:R32 Rear exhaust conversion assembly (Post 238 Click here)
REVO Cold Air Intake with ceramic based cam-coat  (Post 1)
Air feed to CAI via Fog Grill (Post 193 Click here)
ITG MAXOGEN Cold Air Intake
Forge TWINTAKE Cold Air Intake
THS Front Mounted Intercooler (Post 100 Click here)
LOBA High Pressure Fuel Pump (Post 100 Click here)
Audi RS4 Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve (Post 100 Click here)
Audi R8 Coilpacks (Post 100 Click here)
Organic Helix uprated clutch with new OEM DMF (Post 1)
CTS Turbo Trottle Pipe (Post 359 Click here)
CTS Outlet (Discharge) Pipe (Post 359 Click here)
Audi TTS Engine Cover - Modified Post 1)
Revision G Diverter Valve
Revision N PCV
Audi R8 Oil CP
Porsche 911 Coolant Cap - Modified
Forge Hoses
Garage Midnight Heatshield (Post 193 Click here)
Forge Boost Fitting Kit - for BCS Powervalve Zorst and Boost Gauge (Post 1)
Added Air Intake via Fog Grill (Post 193 Click here)

And its ALWAYS run on the Power of V Nitro+


Vibra-Technics Bottom engine mount (Post 1)
Vibra-Technics Dog Bone Bush (Post 1)
Superpro Anti Lift Kit
Superpro Front Wishbone bushes
AKS Geometry Wheel Alignment Set up Post 1)
Autotech Anti Roll Bar with Superpro Bushes+Brackets
Subframe bolts/spacer plate mod
Unibrace UB style Chassis Brace (Post 359 Click here)
Generic Shortshifter
Seat LEON Metal side to side shifter (replace the crappy VW plastic one)
42 Draft Designs shifter Bushes
AKS Shifter Bracket/Bushes

NQSBBK - Porsche Brembo 4 Pot 986 Cayman/Boxster calipers - Pillar Box Red (Post 1)
Audi S3 rear calipers with 310mm vented discs - Pillar Box Red (Post 238 Click here)


Newsouth Performance Boost Gauge in Vent Pod
Cruise Control
Mk6 Climatronic Unit and blender (surround)
Air Quality Sensor
Dash/surround Hydro Dipped (Post 193 Click here)
Ashtray Surround + Lid Hydro Dipped
Gator Surround Hydro Dipped
Chrome tipped switches
GTI seat inlays
OSIR Dead Pedal
Full LED Interior Lights
LED Door Warning Lights
Brushed Aluminium (effect) Ashtray Lid
5K0 Bluetooth kit
Richbrook GTI Tax Disc Holder
Black Hazard Switch


R32 custom rear bumber (Post 238 Click here)
LED Sideights
VALEO LED rear Lights - coded for "ring" appearance
Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2 Gloss Black 18"x8" ET45
Speedline Corse Turini Athracite 18"x8" ET42 Post 229 Click here & fitted (Post 443 Click here)
BBS VZ's Hyper Silver 18"x8" ET44
BBS Red/Gold Centre Caps
BBS Red/Gold Valve caps
Goodyear Eagle Asymmetric F1 2's 
Gloss Black Rear Valance
Gloss Black Front Splitter
Climair Wind Deflectors
Mk6 Boot Handle - rear section colour coded
OEM Open Fog Grills - with rear covers
OEM American Smoothed Grill
Magnet number plate mod, pressed plates (Post 318 Click here) &
Suction Cup Number Plate
Pressed Plates
Edition30 badge on front grill
Black VW Emblem with backing colour coded
Rear OEM German Number plate surround
LED Number Plate Lights
MY10 Polo Aerial
C/F Hydro dipped Mirror Casings
In-Pro Side Repeaters
Chrome VW Rabbit Badge
Boot Pop
Cornering Fogs
Alarm Chirp

Long story short.................yeah, right!! :innocent: 

BCS Powervalve

I started off by replacing the standard exhaust system with a BCS Sport Powervalve 200 Cell Sports Cat TBE system with 80mm rolled tips. It's a real piece of art to look at and (for those who know what they're looking at) its an incredibly well made system. As well as being nice and quite, dare I say OEM quite, while pottering around town (albeit with a slightly deeper burble) the BCS Powervalve sounds awesome on WOT, with the boost activated valve opening, all hell's let lose and a truly addictive soundtrack is forth coming (well for a little 2.0T FSI anyway).

I don't have any pictures of my BCS Powervalve system before it was fitted so I'm nicking a pic from Tamiyoman showing the BCS system that was on his old car, it's the same TBE as mine and also a link below to his review. A "tap off" kit is needed to get the valve to operate as its boost operated. I have the fitting kit from Forge (also a pic and a link below).

~~ Clicky here ~~

......and a link below to the BCS Powervalve website....

~~ Clicky here ~~

Forge Boost Fitting kit....

Zorst in place...

Next, bit of Whooosshh disssssssh was needed....


After trying a couple of Cold Air Intakes (an ITG Maxogen and an EVOMS), then retuning to the standard OEM engine cover and Pipercross panel filter for a while due to my dislike of the noise of the CAI's that I had owned I decided on the REVO Intake after a fair few recommendations. I had one supplied and fitted at AKStuning.

The whoooshh diisssssssssh noise of the REVO intake isn't overly load in the cabin and IMO is less aggressive sounding than my previous ITG Maxogen, so no longer living with Darth Vader.

A link below to the REVO website and relevant info on the Intake....

~~ Clicky here ~~

At the same time as having the REVO CAI fitted I also bought (and had fitted) an Audi TTS Engine cover and their associated fitting bolts. IMHO its looks a LOT better than a modified OEM cover and fits the curves of the REVO Intake perfectly.
Part numbers for the Audi TTS Engine Cover and lugs....

Engine Cover.    06F 103 925J
Front Lug.             06E 103 164E
2 x Rear Lugs.       WHT 000 731A

After the TTS Cover was initially fitted..

I wasn't overly keen on its Audi OEM appearance so I gave it a make over. First I removed the Audi rings then filled the gap with several layers of Isopon flexible bumper filler, a lot of sanding then 2 coats of plastic primer, more sanding between the coats, then 2 coats of Matt Black and/or Gloss Black with more sanding in between. Put it all back together, added a VW Motorsport badge and et viola!

One modified cover.....


After adding a TBE and CAI a map was needed, where to go?  :confused:

Only really one place as far as I was concerned.........

After reading many reviews/comments and much praise on their maps and after speaking to them and hearing their genuine enthusiasm for their trade my mind was made up. So I made the long trip to see them and was met by the nicest bunch of peeps you could wish to meet. My requirements were not just listened to but more importantly they were adhered to.  As for the R-Tech custom linear map itself, quite simply, its brilliant. I asked for a "usable" linear map without the aggressiveness of other maps and after a few hours doing his thing that's exactly what Niki gave me. The car feels SO much smoother than in its standard form, the power is now delivered smoothly and without drama. Don't get me wrong, it you want it, ITS THERE!! Plant your foot and your held snugly against the Interlagos shod Eddy seats with some force. The car just pulls and pulls and pulls all the way to the red line and licence losing territory is reached before you have time to release the exclamation of excitement that had built up while being propelled down the road at alarming speed.

Totally normal map when pootling around and totally NOT when needed.   :notworthy:

More ponies and torque will be forthcoming but are they really needed? No, not really

Is any more power going to be usable in a FWD with me at the helm? I doubt it

Will I continue?  :evilgrin:

A link below to R-Tech's website.....

~~ Clicky here ~~

Before any mods was added.....

After a few were......

While at R-Tech for their Stage 1.5 map the clutch started to slip STRAIGHT away (no real surprise there) and not too annoyed as I'd planned on an uprated clutch anyway so a trip to see the ever helpful and friendly Alex (vRSAlex) at AKStuning was arranged and a new Organic Helix Clutch later all is good again, the car feels great. I was a tad apprehensive about getting an uprated clutch but the pedal feel of the Helix one combined with a new OEM DMF is great, slightly stiffer (I'd say 50% over OEM) but no doubt even that will settle down a wee bit after some time/miles.

Organic Helix Clutch and OEM DMF....

Engine Mounts......

As the subframe was off for the clutch fitting it was a good time to add an uprated Engine mount so went with the Vibra-Technics option.  The addition of the Vibra-Technics Bottom Engine Mount along with their Dog Bone bush has helped keep the car planted and with only minimal or noticable vibration in the cabin.

A link to Vibra-Technics's website and a pic below....

~~ Clicky here ~~

Now then.....

IMO with more power better anchors are needed so after looking at the options available (in my "right arse" price range) I bought some 4 Pot Brembo Porsche 986 Cayman/Boxster Calipers (otherwise known as the NQSBBK on here) from a member on the forum. They needed some serious TLC so I sent them off to Jonny at for him to do his thing and WOW did he do he thing or what! The Calipers were returned to me in their new, gorgeous Pillar box colour, ceramic coated (at the time a service he offered to forum members for free) and also with new pad retaining clips and bolts!  :notworthy:

When I bought the Calipers...

After they had returned from Jonny, ceramic coated.....

A link to

~~ Clicky here ~~

I ordered the fitting kit from DaveB, bought Brembo discs and pads, Porsche shims and had the lot fitted. The BBK inspire so much more confidence than the OEM setup. With the addition of some superior pads than the ones I have fitted at the moment they will be even better and more than I will ever need.

The original thread (below) on the NQSBBK by the Brake guru Daveb1970.....

~~ Clicky here ~~

And the fitting kit supplied by DaveB......


I also decided (at the same time as the BBK) to get some wheels that didn't need spacers to fit a BBK and went for the Edition30 Pescara OEM look of the BBS VZ's in Hyper Silver. I got the wheels from Graeme (GNJ_Motorsport on here) at GJN Motorsport through this site. Awesome service and a great price.

GNJ Motorsport's site......

~~ Clicky here ~~

Also added some ridiculously priced BBS Red/Gold centre caps that I managed to source from America after trawling the entire interweb world for them! The wheels look the business and with their 18"x8" ET44 size there's loads of room a BBK....

Bloody expensive and rare BBS caps.......

And all on the car.....

With room to spare inside the wheels.......

Moving on.....

A few (relatively) mini mods that I've had fitted and should be standard IMHO are (1) the shortshifter with the uprated bushes/bracket (for those with manuals obviously) and (2) a Boost Gauge and lastly (3) Door Warning Lights (standard or LED).

(1) The shifter has a really solid, direct feel and the short throw is a huge benefit when driving in a "spirited" manner..........apparently.  :evilgrin:

The addition of the AKS bushes/bracket ties the whole thing nicely and adds the icing to an already great mod, inspiring confidence that you won't miss a gear while quick shifting.

Pic below from 42 Draft Designs site showing their excellent bushes...

And a dodgy iPhone pic of them fitted alongside the Shortshifter and the AKS Bracket and bushes....

(2) As has been mentioned many times the boost gauge, apart from looking good, is a great visual diagnostic tool giving you an instant view of anything problems associated with BOOOOOST, ie a torn Diverter Valve Diaphragm or a leaking  hose. The Newsouth Performance Indigo Gauge is more OEM in appearance than the DEFI one in both its dial layout and illumination (which can be dimmed along side the main dials).

Link to the Newsouth Performance website below.....

~~ Clicky here ~~

Boost gauge......


(3) Along with having a 5K0 Bluetooth kit supplied and fitted and some coding bits done (I do love the addition of the cornering fogs, rain sensor window closing and the alarm "chirp"  :laugh:) Eddie-NL (a LEG END and lovely chap too) also installed some LED Door Warning Lights for me...

A review I did with all the info and many links inside it (below) and a couple of dodgy pics....

~~ Clicky here ~~

^^^^ as in the pic above, I had the inner section of the VALEO LED rear lights coded out (or the light output reduced to 0% IIRC) to give the ring appearance and the "bulb out" warning light coded out too as the VALEO units draw a lot less power than the OEM clusters and can throw that up. Thanks to SI-R32, proper nice fella with a stunning R32 to boot.

A pic below of the VALEO LED rear lights fitted to the car and a link to a review of them by RedRobin. These are great lights peeps which give a vastly improved light output over the standard UK OEM clusters with the bonus of an indicator function that can actually be seen by the following traffic.
~~ Clicky here ~~

Speaking of coding, I also asked Ed to code the Boot Pop mod for me (the part for which I had previously fitted), uber useful mod when weighed down with the proceeds of my wife's shopping exploits!!

My first (and probably last) attempt at using YouTube.....

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

I personally think the Red/Black colour combo works well together so after I added some Gloss Black Mirror Casings, In-Pro side repeater and along with having the Rear valance and front splitter vinyl wrapped in Gloss Black I was happy...

An American OEM Smoothed front grill was added. I use both a magnet number plate and a suction cup number plate. One on the car, one in the boot, just in case the other falls off or gets left anywhere!

Some early OEM Mk5 fog grills with rear covers were added.... was a Mk6 Boot Handle (colour coded backing in Tornado Red).....

Future plans?

To start with, a big arse THS cooler (and possibly a LOBA HPFP and RS4 FPRV) and then back up to R-Tech for another custom linear map, either Stage 2 (R-Tech like a bigger than OEM Cooler for their Stage 2 maps) or Stage 2+, can't decide. I'm expecting a noticeable difference as there's plenty more in there to give. Not bothered about what bhp or torque we end up with as long as its smooth and usable as an everyday car.
OEM Xenons will also be fitted in the new year along with a Superpro ALK, some front wishbone bushes.

Will also be after a Mk6 GTI MFSW soon to finish the inside off. Will have some interior bits and pieces Hydro dipped too and add some rear footwell LED lights to complete the internal illumination.

Some adjustable Coilovers are on the "to do" list along with the full Skyline mod for the VALEO LED rear lights (once I can find someone to do the wiring).

Still got a shed load more to do re the engine/Power/handling/cosmetics on top of that. EVERY TIME you change one thing with the power power/handling etc it affects and alters something else so you move onto that to regain the balance but then something else will need upgrading or replacing.......and on it goes. As RR says, beware the slope!  :laugh:

Won't overdo with pics (way too late for that :laugh:), a few recent ish ones....

Oh and a pic of my "glow in the dark" forum decal bought from VC a year or 2 ago. It was on the car one day and then it was gone. Can only assume (while glowing at nighttime) some scrout took a shine to it and peeled it off.  :sad1:

Might contact him/them via his eBay site and see if I can get another one.

Big thanks to Alex at AKStuning for supplying and fitting most (if not all) the engine bit and bobs plus various others parts. The 200 mile round trip is always a good day out.

AKStuning's website.....

~~ Clicky here ~~

Any queries, suggestio
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 04:26:56 pm by MC71 »

                    Build thread Stage 2+ Edition 30 ~~Clicky here~~

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 12:58:40 pm »
Its about time you did a build thread.  Cracking motor  :drinking: - - 01234 822324
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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 01:10:13 pm »
nice work martin   :drool:
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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2013, 02:24:26 pm »
Lovely Martin, can't beat a Red Eddy  :happy2:
2014 Mk7 Golf R on Order...

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2013, 03:11:11 pm »
Very nice, Martin.

I particularly like the engine cover  :happy2:

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Throbbin' Red Mk5 GTI DSG with too many mods to list - Have Fun but Safe Journeys!

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2013, 03:18:01 pm »
Stunning and immaculate   :drool:
mk5 Graphite Blue GTI - Leathers, Xenons, MFD2, PDC, Boot Pop - SOLD
mk7 Pure White GTI - Performance Pack, Xenons, DSG, Leathers, Pro Nav, Dynaudio, Self Park, Keyless, 18" OZ Ultraleggera

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2013, 03:26:39 pm »
Gaaaaaaaaawgeous!  :love:


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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 07:47:55 pm »

Another sweet Well loved Red  :happy2:

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2013, 08:20:16 pm »
Beautiful car mate  :happy2: mega clean!
Edition 30 build No:692 Revo stage 2 SOLD
Edition 30 build No:440 Stage 1 SOLD

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2013, 05:41:18 pm »
I've only been on here about 14 months, but amazed to read you hadn't put up a build thread before!

That was a great read - some great mods added, and looks like a few more to come  :happy2:

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2013, 06:15:53 pm »
Nice work buddy  :happy2:
Mods coming soon...

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2013, 07:10:52 pm »
Lovely example and a great inspiration :happy2:

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2013, 09:00:10 pm »
Lovely car :happy2:

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2013, 09:56:27 pm »
Excellent build thread Martin--brilliant example :notworthy:

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Re: MC71's Red Mistress
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2013, 10:33:40 pm »
Thanks peeps, very much appreciated.  :drinking:

Original post has been amended (ever so slightly  :laugh:), adding some much needed flesh to the bones, as it were!


                    Build thread Stage 2+ Edition 30 ~~Clicky here~~